Online Privacy for Adult Content Creators

At MyFet, we take the online privacy of our adult content creators, or our Kreators, extremely seriously. We understand that one of the initial reasons people are hesitant to sign up as an adult creator is because they’re worried about their privacy and potential exposure. As a credible and secure fetish platform, we want everyone to feel comfortable and at ease when utilising our site.

This week, we discuss our recommended precautions for Kreators to implement to help protect their identities and overall safety online. Afterall, if you invest in safe habits now, they will already be a part of your working routine as your career progresses.


Don’t Give Out Real Personal Information


Firstly, you should never feel pressured to give out your personal information. Our advice would be to never give your real name, your address, bank information, personal phone number or any information linking to your real identity to anyone online. It’s not unusual for clients to ask a lot questions because they naturally want to get to know you, but remember, you always have control over the situation.

Whether you interact via subscription or through livestreams, you can always say no, and our team are always on hand to help you should you have any questions or queries. Have a couple of answers at the ready to commonly asked questions. This way, if you ever get taken by surprise on chat, you’ll have a quick response and can change the flow of conversation.


Change Your Location


Most adult content creators set their location to somewhere else in the UK on their chosen platforms to avoid direct location searches. Whether you’re taking pictures or on private cam, be extra careful with accidently revealing personal information.

Avoid showing your clients around your room and be cautious about what they can see on camera when it’s fixed in position. A quick view of a letter with an address on, or even outside your window could reveal your actual location. As far-fetched as it may sounds, you should even be careful not to talk about real local events whilst chatting - always be friendly but ambiguous to keep yourself safe.


Wish List Gifting Tips


Talking of location, wish lists are extremely popular within the fetish community. There’s nothing like being treated for you hard work and wish lists ensure you receive exactly what you’re after! You can quickly make a wish list on Amazon and AdultWork. However, it’s important to note that Amazon often shows customers the city and county it’s shipping to. As a result, we would recommend using an alias and PO Box address on any Amazon wish lists you have. This way, your identity will be kept safe.


Ensure Social Privacy


Although social media is a great way for adult content creators to promote what they offer, it’s important to remember that it can be viewed by anyone. Our advice would be to privatise your adult accounts across any platforms. Again, be sure to keep your name, location, job title and methods of contact completely different to the ‘real’ you.

For extra online privacy, never post the same images across your work and personal accounts - anyone could make the connection between your profiles. Plus, it doesn’t take a genius to use ‘reverse image search’ on Google. If you’re keeping your career under wraps from family, it’s important not to associate your Kreator alias with your personal profiles, this includes adding mutual friends that could connect you.

A quick note on Snapchat: unless you turn it off, Snapchat will show your true approximate physical location on its maps. So, be sure to activate ‘Ghost mode’ so that no one is able to see your whereabouts through the application!


Separate Your Work and Personal Contact Methods


Most social media platforms will ask for your email address or phone number upon sign up. So, if you’ve created a new account, do not register using your personal phone number, an email with your name in it, or one that is associated with your everyday profiles. Be sure to register using another number and/or an email address that isn’t obviously associated with you.

Setting up a separate number/email for work actually only makes things easier for you. You can safely pass it on to clientele without revealing your identity, it’s an easy way to keep tabs on any messages and ensure there is a clear divide between your work and your personal life, encouraging a healthy work-life balance!


Security Protection


Lastly, invest in some good and reputable anti-virus software. Once you have it, real-time protection will be available without you really having to do anything at all. It just helps to have this extra level of protection in the back burner, with on-demand scans available whenever you need.

It should be highlighted that you shouldn’t click on any unknown links from clients, or potential clients, just in case they contain harmful malware. However, having this software installed will help protect you if these links are clicked.


Our Private Platform


At MyFet, the safety and protection of our adult content creators is paramount. We are a security focused, supportive network of adult industry professionals who want only the best for our Kreators and Kinksters alike! We have strict measures and policies in place to ensure a safe online environment for all who use our domain.

If you’re interested in exploring every side of yourself, we’d love to hear from you! Simply click here to register with us, or get in touch with us via email at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you!

By admin
Aug 31, 2023
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England, SS9 1JL

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